
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Chapter 3

Week Three Bible Study - The Diagnosis

Martha, Martha, “ the Lord answered, you are worried and upset about many things.”
 -Luke 10:41

Will all the Martha’s in the room please raise you hand? If you are like me, your hand almost involuntarily shot up.  Oops.

I feel like the topic of worry and anxiety is so important to discuss because almost all women can relate to this in some way. I can think of at least 5-10 things as I sit here and type, that I could be worried about.

To start off I think it needs to be said up front. …

Anxiety and worry is a sin.


Yep. I said it. It’s time to start calling it what it is. It’s time to spear head what causes many women to not live free and abundant lives; the lives Jesus has prepared us for.

I love (and hate) the beginning of this chapter because it lays the foundation for worry and anxiety; back when humans were first created by God.  God actually provided a safe and protected environment for those he loved. It was when humans stepped out of this protection and sought personal gain that sin entered the world. Sin like anxiety. Adam and Eve actually hid from God because of their nakedness. They were worried about what would happen…what God would see them as now. You can see why I said I hate this realization right? If we simply would trust in God’s amazing goodness, we wouldn’t be in half the messes we find ourselves in. 

The Bible tell us not too worry. But how can we not worry you ask? The honest truth is that we, as sinful humans, actually cannot not worry. 
God’s standard for us is perfection. 
Jesus is the standard. 
He came and lived a perfect life. 
But we cannot. 

What we can do is relieve ourselves from the curse of worry and anxiety and submit our failures to God; allowing Him to carry them on the cross so we can live freely in a worried free life.  I think anything less than that is debilitating. Scripture points out that being “choked by life’s worries,” allows us not to mature. We are left  “gasping for spiritual breath.” It says” we may survive, but we will never truly thrive.” Wow. I didn’t know that my anxiety was actually causing me to be farther aware from God. Farther away from the only one who can give me rest from it.

In my own life, I have sinned by being anxious and worried about when God will bless us with children. I often times doubt that God’s ways are better than my own. I feel as if my plans must be right, and that God is behind the eight ball a bit. God, thankfully, has shown me that the most peace and rest come when I am fully trusting Him. 

The same God who parted the seas, and the same God who delivered the Israelites, is the same God that is in control of my fertility. 

I have learned that the foundation He has built in me throughout this trial is what is equipping me to one day be a good mom…and to be a good wife…to be a good friend. He knows exactly what he is doing. I should be lifting my hands and saying thank you Jesus!

My worry doesn’t actually do anything productive. It doesn’t change my situation or shorten it. No… it only robs today and this time in my life of the JOY I could have. “It may prevent us from leading the full lives God intends us to live.” How sad to think that we could be enveloped in God’s protection and living joyful, full lives and instead we are lost in a lie of our own self-centered thoughts. No thank you.  “Even more important, we need to keep our focus on who God is and what God can do.”

What we do know is that being a Christian never meant living a trouble-free life. We know that “troubles come with this earthly territory.” So how do we change? How do we break a habit we are all experts at? How do we believe “we live within a might fortress…that we are hidden beneath almighty wings?”

We pray.

“There is nothing too big or too small, that we cannot bring to the heart of our Father.” When you begin to mentally obsess about your problem or situation, turn that thought into a prayer. I love how the author says, “fretting magnifies the problem, but prayer magnifies God.”

I personally have accountability partners. Whenever I get worried or anxious I send out a distress call!!! Those who know my situation understand my heart and are eager to point me back to Jesus. I can tell you that when prayers are said and God’s peace takes over…I feel it. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have people surrounding me who also trust in the finish work of Jesus and can walk with me in tough situations. I strongly encourage you all to make that a goal. Find a church. Find a small group. Find accountability partners. It will change your life. 

“When we decide to pray instead of worry-when we choose to have a grateful heart in not-so-great circumstances-then the peace of God comes and takes us into protective custody.”

As we pray more and seek God in our anxiety we are better equipped to deal with life’s struggles. So next time you find yourself boggled down by sin, send up a little prayer for peace and surrender it to God. “That’s the reason we can leave our worry behind-not because there’s nothing to be concerned about, but because we have Someone who can handle them a lot better than we can.”

Praying for you all this week! xo

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Not limiting our limitless God

This chapter was great. So many relevant topics to discuss. However, one topic in particular stood out to me. If something else stood out to you, let’s talk about it. But here is what the Lord said to me this week.

I was just telling a friend “I get so afraid that while praying for God to show me what HIS will is, somehow I’ll miss His signs, or worse, I will let my desire for my own plan to supersede His, and I will take what I think is a sign, and let my own will win out.

“We want an itinerary for our life, and when God doesn’t immediately produce one, we set out to write our own. “
“I need to know. Will it happen? Should I prepare for heartbreak?”
or my personal favorite, “Should I start thinking of a backup plan?”
God says softly “No, you need to TRUST me.”  

How do we know when something is just an obstacle given to us BY God to strengthen our faith, or is that obstacle a round-a-bout way of God saying “no”.
How will I know His answer? Will He answer?

Yes, 100% yes. Just maybe not in the context we want.   

And when he doesn’t answer like we wanted we think:

“You aren’t listening.
You don’t care.
Can’t you see I’m torn apart; I’m empty, I’m hurting.
This can all change Lord, can you please just answer my prayer.”

God became one of us so that when we ask, “Lord don’t you care?
We can know without a doubt that He does. He felt what we feel. He was tortured. He died.  Did you read that? He was put to death.
Of course He cares. He felt what we feel and then some

The fact is, until we stop doubting God’s goodness, we can’t experience His love.

He does have our ultimate good in mind.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 1

Hey Girls! 

Can I just tell you how excited I am to be jumping head first into this study with you all? I know the Lord is going to do amazing work.  He always does. I look forward to putting the “masks away” and being honest and real with one another.  There is nothing greater than feeling the transformational power of the Gospel AND having others to share it with. That being said, let’s get going!

Chapter One.

Wow! Already so much that we, as women of faith, can relate to…high demands, moral checklists, falling short, a deep inward desire and yearning for an intimate relationship with the Maker… I can’t wait to see what God showed each of you throughout the chapter. 

For me, specifically, I pulled out a few larger themes. 

1. The pressure to “do do do and win win win.” Get ahead…do more….be better…be the best…always have it all together. You know what Jesus says. That’s a lie. Jesus says 'come to my feet and I will give you rest'. He says 'its ok to fail because I have never failed you.' He says 'you will never be able to do it all on our own strength'. For what is impossible with man is possible with God. 
“While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship.”  
God doesn’t demand perfection out of us; He simply desires a relationship. On page 9, it talks about how we can be so eager to serve Jesus that we miss the opportunity to know Jesus.  
When you actually allow yourself to believe these things are true…freedom comes. Freedom from moral checklists and Christian to-do lists. If that doesn’t allow you to take a huge sigh of relief I don’t know what will. 
I once heard a pastor say, “God doesn’t want to be at the top of your to do list…he wants to be the center of all you do.” I have never forgotten that. 
You mean I don’t have to be and act perfect for God to accept me and be pleased with me? Isn’t that opposite of what the world tells me today? Yep. Why do you think it’s so hard for people to actually accept? Jesus see’s our filthy sinful human hearts, our dirty rags, and our terrible thoughts and still truly loves us. He actually looks at us and sees Jesus! Jesus became sin so we could be counted as righteous before God. God desires us to accept that gift and live in freedom. 

For me specifically, I often struggle with the lie that I should have it all together. I believe I shouldn’t have bad days…emotional days…unproductive days…I tell myself that not always being on point or knowing the perfect thing to say or do is failing. But when I learned that it’s ok to fail, and that failing doesn’t change my “status” in the eyes of Christ, I cried with relief. I am human. I will always have those days that I fall short and all Christ asks of me is that I come to His feet and say 'Lord…I need you'. I have received the most peace and rest I have ever had in the midst of failures now. I have felt that unconditional love that we all desire. 

Has there been a time or situation in your life where you struggle to believe that truth? Share it! I bet someone else feels that way too. 

2. Work before worship. “When we spend time in His presence- when we take time to hear His voice-God provides the horsepower we need to pull the heaviest load.” 
How many times do we try so hard to do things on our own strength and end up weary and in despair? 
We think we know what is best for us, and often desire that God would get on board with our perfect plans…Or we may say 'is God even listening to my prayers??' 

But how often do we truly bring our hurts, desires, struggles, grief, and workload to God and fully surrender it to Him?
Trusting and having faith that the same God who delivered the Israelites from slavery is the same God who see’s your heart.  Are you really believing that God does have a perfect plan for you  and can fully sustain you; that he can fully be your full portion and give you the strength to get through life’s situations. 
 I don’t always believe that. 
But I want to cry out and pray that God sees my heart and shows me my disbelief and provides me with the faith and courage to pull through. 
I want to worship God in every situation and thank Him for protecting me from myself. 

 Can you relate to being weary and tired and lacking faith? Share it! 

Praying for our study and for every one of your hearts.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Devotion Starting Monday, May 4th!

Good Evening Ladies!

I hope you are all having an amazing Saturday.

We will be starting chapter one in our devotional book "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" on Monday!

Read chapter one, take notes, reflect, get some ideas, and report back to this site Monday, May 11th and we will discuss chapter one. Chapter two will be discussed Monday, May 18th. Chapter 3 on the 25th etc.

We are so excited to start! There is nothing better than growth in the Lord.

Ready for more? 
Until next Monday, go ahead and read the post below.  
Tell us what you think.  

Social media can be a cancer.

I find that some of the happiest people are the ones who aren't on it, or limit their use of it.

Of course I'm on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, I had Twitter for a few weeks and I recently just got snapchat.

Social media does have its perks. It allows us to stay close with friends – experiencing life’s exciting moments with them. But how accurate is it? 

Sally Booba just posted on Facebook how her husband bought her flowers and massaged her feet. Hallie Hubbertsonville just posted how she got a new 2015 Porsche; Sofa Youlove is going on vacation again with her girlfriends.

Now don't get me wrong, I bet Sally's husband is amazing, Hallie probably got a promotion at work and deserves that Porchse, and Sofa has awesome friends, why not vacation whenever you can. And there is nothing wrong with sharing good news with friends.

But most of the time, only good things are shared. It can give the appearance that Sally/Hallie/Sofa has such an amazing life-NOTHING is going wrong for her. And we think, why isn't my life like that? What am I doing wrong?

But you know what, some of the time (maybe even most of the time) these constant posts are just showy band-aids covering a wound. Again, I'm not saying Sally's post about her wonderful husband is a band-aid for specifically her relationship with her husband, but maybe she uses the joy she feels about bragging about him to cover something else. Something deeper. Something she hasn't told anyone about.

Lately, through talking with lots of friends, I have been discovering that EVERYONE is going through something. Everyone. People I honestly thought had everything together, definitely do not.

I guess what sparked this was a good girlfriend I have, and though I've never, ever mentioned to her that I'm struggling and need prayer (and my Facebook and Instagram haven't announced my struggles either) she somehow knew. She often texts me, literally right when I need it, and says she's thinking about me and praying for me. How does she always know RIGHT when to text me? The Lord of course, but how awesome that she can see past my "perfect" life of social media and reach out to me just to let me know she’s been praying for me.

How many of you already KNOW one of your friends is hurting and yet her social media accounts show just the opposite?
How many of you think you probably have friends raving about their wonderful life when deep down they are hurting and need prayer?  And there are the people who don’t rave about their life, but still have storms they walk through daily.

Let me tell you from experience, it feels great just to know someone out there is praying. Text them. Let them know.

And like it says above, don’t judge, you never really know what someone is going through. We have to stick together. We are sisters in Christ. We are the daughters of a king.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

So happy you are going to join us for this Bible study.
Below you will find the information for the devotional book and the optional study guide (just click on the picture). If you are unable to, or just wish not to purchase either, that's okay! We are just happy you will be participating.

As mentioned in my instagram post, we want to grow from this 10-week devotion. We want honesty; realness. So that's why we chose Blogger as our platform. You can post anonymously if you wish or leave your name.

More details are coming and the site will be updated.
But for now, order your books if you like and we will have a start date soon!
 Love, R