
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 1

Hey Girls! 

Can I just tell you how excited I am to be jumping head first into this study with you all? I know the Lord is going to do amazing work.  He always does. I look forward to putting the “masks away” and being honest and real with one another.  There is nothing greater than feeling the transformational power of the Gospel AND having others to share it with. That being said, let’s get going!

Chapter One.

Wow! Already so much that we, as women of faith, can relate to…high demands, moral checklists, falling short, a deep inward desire and yearning for an intimate relationship with the Maker… I can’t wait to see what God showed each of you throughout the chapter. 

For me, specifically, I pulled out a few larger themes. 

1. The pressure to “do do do and win win win.” Get ahead…do more….be better…be the best…always have it all together. You know what Jesus says. That’s a lie. Jesus says 'come to my feet and I will give you rest'. He says 'its ok to fail because I have never failed you.' He says 'you will never be able to do it all on our own strength'. For what is impossible with man is possible with God. 
“While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship.”  
God doesn’t demand perfection out of us; He simply desires a relationship. On page 9, it talks about how we can be so eager to serve Jesus that we miss the opportunity to know Jesus.  
When you actually allow yourself to believe these things are true…freedom comes. Freedom from moral checklists and Christian to-do lists. If that doesn’t allow you to take a huge sigh of relief I don’t know what will. 
I once heard a pastor say, “God doesn’t want to be at the top of your to do list…he wants to be the center of all you do.” I have never forgotten that. 
You mean I don’t have to be and act perfect for God to accept me and be pleased with me? Isn’t that opposite of what the world tells me today? Yep. Why do you think it’s so hard for people to actually accept? Jesus see’s our filthy sinful human hearts, our dirty rags, and our terrible thoughts and still truly loves us. He actually looks at us and sees Jesus! Jesus became sin so we could be counted as righteous before God. God desires us to accept that gift and live in freedom. 

For me specifically, I often struggle with the lie that I should have it all together. I believe I shouldn’t have bad days…emotional days…unproductive days…I tell myself that not always being on point or knowing the perfect thing to say or do is failing. But when I learned that it’s ok to fail, and that failing doesn’t change my “status” in the eyes of Christ, I cried with relief. I am human. I will always have those days that I fall short and all Christ asks of me is that I come to His feet and say 'Lord…I need you'. I have received the most peace and rest I have ever had in the midst of failures now. I have felt that unconditional love that we all desire. 

Has there been a time or situation in your life where you struggle to believe that truth? Share it! I bet someone else feels that way too. 

2. Work before worship. “When we spend time in His presence- when we take time to hear His voice-God provides the horsepower we need to pull the heaviest load.” 
How many times do we try so hard to do things on our own strength and end up weary and in despair? 
We think we know what is best for us, and often desire that God would get on board with our perfect plans…Or we may say 'is God even listening to my prayers??' 

But how often do we truly bring our hurts, desires, struggles, grief, and workload to God and fully surrender it to Him?
Trusting and having faith that the same God who delivered the Israelites from slavery is the same God who see’s your heart.  Are you really believing that God does have a perfect plan for you  and can fully sustain you; that he can fully be your full portion and give you the strength to get through life’s situations. 
 I don’t always believe that. 
But I want to cry out and pray that God sees my heart and shows me my disbelief and provides me with the faith and courage to pull through. 
I want to worship God in every situation and thank Him for protecting me from myself. 

 Can you relate to being weary and tired and lacking faith? Share it! 

Praying for our study and for every one of your hearts.

1 comment:

Abide said...


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